Friday, October 15, 2010

Tunkwa Lake PP July 1, 2010

The July 1st, or Canada Day long weekend we headed to our favorite ‘home away from home’ – Tunkwa Lake Provincial Park.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 001

as you can see, even though it was a long weekend it wasn’t terribly busy and we actually managed to grab the same campsite we’d had back at Easter…

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 002

Looking the other direction from our campsite and it was even quieter!  The only long weekend we won’t consider going to Tunkwa for is the May long weekend….I’m afraid that weekend has turned into a zoo!

Tunkwa July'10 001

The spot we were in was very ‘birdy’…primarily lots of these Savannah Sparrows…

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 009

Down in the little bay between the bluff and the spit, there were duck families….these ones being Barrow’s Goldeneye…

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 011

and here a Mallard family.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 012

Wild Roses were just coming into full flower.

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We set out on a walk, headed over to the north end of the lake….there was a Killdeer family in the area, with young ones and boy did the parents set up a ruckus every time anyone walked past!

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 016

a lot of American Coot with young in this area as well…

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Pairs of Lesser Scaup…the males already loosing their brilliant breeding plumage, even though they haven’t yet had their families.  These ducks are late nesters… you’ll see when we are back here in a month or so.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 021

Wildflowers were everywhere!  Here, these Alumroot growing on the cliff above Leighton Lake.

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Looking towards Leighton, the blue are Small flowered Penstemon..

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Here is a close up of that particular wildflower.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 028

Goats beard, Alum Root and Grasses….

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Everything was very green! 

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As we walked along the trail on the north side of the lake we spotted this Common Loon with a youngster…always a good sign!

Tunkwa July'10 025

Another shot that shows just how ‘green’ the whole place was.

Tunkwa July'10 021

Death Camas were one of he prominent wildflowers in this area.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 044

and Savannah Sparrows the prominent species of bird.

Tunkwa July'10 027

As usual, it was a good year for young Canada Geese….

Tunkwa July'10 028

These youngsters long past the ‘cute’ stage and into the gangly ‘adolescent’ stage…

Tunkwa July'10 033

As we walked back the sky was full of Common Nighthawks….

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 049

Back at the campsite I managed to get some pictures of the Least Flycatchers that must have been nesting in the bushy area beside us.

Tunkwa July'10 034

The weather was improving as we went for an evening walk…

Tunkwa July'10 042

Canada Geese in the evening sunshine…

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