Monday, October 25, 2010

Tunkwa Lake PP. – July 2nd, 2010

In real time it is the 25th day of October and it is POURING with rain….best to go back …can it be almost 4 months already?! to July 2nd at Tunkwa…..

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 058

Morning that day dawned bright and sunny so we decided to do the walk over to Leighton Lake then up to June lake, circling back past the aspen groves…  Here is an over view of Leighton….

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 060

once more the over whelming theme is how ‘green’ everything is.  Water levels are pretty high too.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 061

wildflowers abound in those green grasslands….here a close up of a Gaillardia

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 066

and here, in a dryer area, Trailing Daisy.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 067

we’ve veered away from the lake now, this is a view looking back…Tunkwa is on the far side of that bluff.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 068

more flowers in the grasslands…

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 069

These Cut-leaf Anemone being predominant…

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 073 Tall Blue Larkspur as well.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 081

Mustn’t forget the birds….here one very scruffy looking Mountain Chickadee…showing the effects of having raised a family!

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 082

June Lake is never the most picturesque place….but this time the wildflowers made it so.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 088

These yellow daisies are Meadow Arnica

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 084

Here is a close up

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 089

Stonecrop was in flower in the dryer, barren areas closer to the lake itself.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 094

after skirting the lake, where there were a few Killdeer but nothing else in the way of birds visible, we took a look back at June Lake and then headed through the forested area….

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 097

The route was uneventful…that is we didn’t find any wild horses like we had at Easter, but mosquitoes were thick….finally reached the aspen grove but didn’t linger….by now those bugs were getting to me!  I’d forgotten about them so no insect repellent with us.

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 099

back to the open country about as fast as we could walk….

Tunkwa July'10 SLR 101

and as we skirted the lake on our way back to the campsite, you could see a definite change in the weather, although as so often happens at Tunkwa, nothing major came of it as systems just seem to pass over or skirt around…

Tunkwa July'10 055

The rest of the day was just spent hanging around in the campground area….this is one of the many fledgling Savannah Sparrows that were in the bushy area to the back and side of our campsite.

Tunkwa July'10 056

Even the campground itself was a sea of flowers.   Not so long ago (8 or 10 years at most) this whole area was pine forest….then the pine beetle arrived, the trees all had the life sucked out of them and the parks department cleared all the dead trees out of the campground…it looked pretty rough for a couple of years….but has resulted in views like this.

Tunkwa July'10 060

more of that Meadow Arnica as well as other wildflowers, up along the very back of the campground area.

Tunkwa July'10 063

Look carefully at the base of this pit toilet and you’ll see two young Yellow Bellied Marmot….these marmots find pit toilets a wonderful home base!

Tunkwa July'10 066

Here is a pair of them in a more suitable and picturesque setting!

Tunkwa July'10 067

and for a final picture for the day I’ll throw in this one of a male Lesser Scaup, going out of his breeding plumage.  There is a female Barrow’s Goldeneye to the right….these guys were on a rock at the foot of the bluff the marmots were lounging on.

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